As you can tell from the above picture, I'm a huge fan of the CW's Vampire Dairies. Not only do I watch the show, but I'm in love with the books. Well, the ones that are actually written by the author L.J. Smith. But I won't get into that now. This post is about something else.
For those who haven't watched the show or read the books, here's a quick run through. Two vampire brothers (Damon and Stefan Salvatore) fall for the same human girl (Elena Gilbert) who just happens to look like the vampire (Katherine Pierce) they once loved and turned them into what they are. Elena falls for Stefan, but she also has feelings for Damon. So, there's a big love triangle. It becomes bigger once Katherine comes back around. If you want to know more, cause I'm not wanting to spoil it for anyone, check out the show and the books to learn more. I promise you won't regret it!
One big thing that's happening in the series right now is the fact that boy scout, Stefan has become the villain. Usually it's his brother, Damon who is up to the wicked, but Stefan has taken that role over now. While watching this weeks episode, which I'm still in shock over, I began to think about what happens when the hero becomes the villain. That's what this post is truly about.
I've written a few heroes before. I've grown to love them just as I've grown to love the heroes in the books that I read. The fact that a hero can become the villain kind of unnerves me and intrigues me at the exact same time. I'm not sure what I would do if I were Elena and my boyfriend suddenly acted like he didn't care if I died. I'm not sure if I could ever forgive that.
So, why would a heroine forgive the hero for doing something evil? Maybe because she realizes that he was trying to actually save her life by going so deep into the dark. Maybe because she loves him so much that she can see past his actions. Maybe she can forgive him because she sees that he was only trying to push her away because he didn't feel worthy of her love. There are many reasons why someone can forgive the hero for turning evil for a while, but I'm not sure if they really should.
I'm almost 100% positive that Elena will forgive Stefan and they will be together again. I'm kind of happy about that too because I love them together, (even though I'm in love with Damon. But I want him with Bonnie really.) But I kind of wish she wouldn't take him back. Not fast anyway. If I write a hero into a villain, I'm not wanting the girl to forgive him at the snap of his fingers as soon as he changes back to the light side. I'm wanting her to stand firm and say no. That she needs time and that she can't forgive him for all that he's done nor will she forget about it. I would hope my character would understand where she's coming from, but I'm not so sure in real life a person does.
Lets face it. Heroes become villains in the real world all of the time. We forgive them sometimes. Other times we ask for our space and/or just walk away. I love a bad boy just as much as anybody, but sometimes they can go too far. When that invisible line is crossed, then it's time to cut your losses and that's how I feel it should be in books/TV/movies too. If we wouldn't hang on, then why do we expect a fictional character to do it?
I enjoy watching/reading a character that can flirt with both sides, but when they go past the point of no return, I start to cheer on the other guy that has been standing in the shadows loving the girl the entire time. The guy who may be the bad boy, but has never done the things the "hero" has done in the name of love or something. That is the guy I hope wins in the end. The one who plays the villain but was always the hero all along.
What do you think? Let me know.
Happy reading and writing everyone!

I kind of like to see the temptation to embrace evil touch a hero. It reminds us that there is no one who is without fault of some kind. Of course a hero wouldn't be a hero without finding some inner strength to combat that temptation.
ReplyDeleteWhen I read or watch a hero who is "purely good" I wonder why we give our kids such unattainable ideals. I prefer the realistic approach to show that we are all human. We all have some quality or temptation that is not exactly admirable.
Going past the point of no return is what turns the hero into the antagonist. This also shows that people do change. If good can embrace evil then why can't evil embrace good? (Other than the obvious desire not to?)
I guess it comes down to trust. It's easy to trust someone who is always admirable. It's hard to allow trust to develop for someone who hasn't been admirable in the past.
Books and movies are usually based on fictitious ideas so they don't usually reflect real life. Seeing an imperfect hero is much more realistic, not to mention more entertaining.