Yesterday's and tomorrow's posts all wrapped up in today's post.
If your a long time follower of this blog, you know that I'm addicted to contests. I can't not enter them. Well, I passed a few up this year and my body just freaked out. They were some pretty great ones too, so believe me when I say that it killed me to just tweet my support and not click the add me to the list button. Why didn't I enter? Well, my hubby wanted me to take a break. Rest and take joy in what I was doing instead of freaking out about something that I couldn't control. So I sat back and let them go.
Now the amazing angels known as Brenda Drake, Shelley Watters, and C.A. Marshall have decided to do a March agent pitch match contest. Of course I couldn't just sit back anymore when I saw this beauty come across my screen. So here I am, working like a dog to make my ms shine brighter than before and also working on a pitch.
On March 1st the rules will be posted, so I'm just going by the guidelines of their amazing pitch workshop. Below you will find what I hope is a winning 35 word pitch along with the first 150-ish words of my ms. (I didn't stop in the middle of a sentence.)
So, now I ask for you to critique away. Tell me what you like and what you think is missing. Take off the kid gloves. I can take it. FYI: I'm formatting it like it's a real entry.
Name: Jamie Corrigan
Title: The Demon Chronicles: Prophecy
Genre: YA Paranormal Romance
Word Count: 61,000
Pitch take four: When a prophecy makes Taisie the target of a nightmarish stalker named Spark, she must embrace her new power of killing immortals to save her mother's soul or lose herself to Spark forever.
Pitch take three: When a prophecy makes Taisie the target of a nightmarish stalker, she must embrace her new powers of killing anyone immortal and destroy him to save her mother's soul or lose herself to him forever.
Pitch take two: When Taisie discovers she's not just a klutzy human, but a powerful reincarnation with the power to kill anyone immortal, she must destroy her nightmarish stalker or lose her mother's soul and herself forever.
Below is the new First 150 along with the old one. You can critique both if you like.
New first 150:
Taisie Monahan pressed herself against a brick wall, trying to catch a break from the sea of Forever 21 and American Eagle drenched students flowing through the floodgates of Saint Isabel High. Last night's nightmare was still fresh on her mind as she gave her ponytail a nervous tug, pulling her hair tighter. Taking a breath, Taisie swore she could smell the metallic stench floating from his dead body, making her stomach lurch.
A raven glided across the silver clouds, pulling her from her torture as her blue eyes flicked up to watch it. Goosebumps sprouted on her arm, forcing her to tear her gaze away. Taisie knew her stalker was there. She searched the crowd frantically looking for him. She may have never seen his face before, but that creepy-spider-crawling-up-her-back feeling was something that belonged only to him.
“Get a grip. People are staring,” she whispered to herself.
First 150 words:
Taisie Monahan pressed herself against a brick wall, trying to catch a break from the sea of Forever 21 and American Eagle drenched students flowing through the floodgates of Saint Isabel High. Last night's nightmare was still fresh on her mind as she gave her ponytail a nervous tug. Taking a breath, Taisie swore she could smell the metallic stench flowing from his dead body, making her stomach lurch.
Hoping to get her mind off it, her blue eyes flicked up to the depressing morning sky and settled on a raven gliding across the silver clouds. Goosebumps sprouted on her arm, forcing her to tear her gaze away. Searching the crowd frantically for her stalker, Taisie knew he was here. She may have never seen his face before, but that creepy spider crawling up her back feeling was something that belonged only to him.
“Get a grip. People are staring,” she whispered to herself.
Let me have it! Critique away!
Until next time, happy reading/writing everyone!