Have you noticed anything strange about yourself? Are you able to do things most people cannot? Do you possess the power to create worlds and fill them with life, laughter, love? Can you conjure kickass characters and badass villains with a thought? Can your written words provoke thought, stir the heart, or tempt the soul? Are you able to rescue the love interest, defeat the bad guy, and save the world with your bare hands?
If you answered No to the previous questions, then your writing style is determined to be merely sufficient. Thank you for your time and effort.
Please disregard the rest of this message and go about your business.
Have a wonderful rest of your day!
If you answered Yes to any the previous questions, place your hand squarely over your mouse or against your touchpad and hold.
Digital genetic profile registered. Establishing secure connection to H.E.L.M. communications.
Welcome, potential recruit. You are receiving this encrypted message because we’ve been watching you, and we’re impressed. We believe you are a perfect candidate to join the H.E.L.M Initiative for hero writers – Hunt for Exhilarating Literary Material.
People are crying out for awesome stories to help them escape the dullness of everyday life. The world needs your talent, so a group of veteran heroes (hosts) has come together to form and lead specialized squads to combat this boredom epidemic.
These leaders will provide feedback, helping you hone your natural story-telling abilities. Once you’re put through Basic Training and Combat Drills, some of you will be selected from the recruit roster to join the H.E.L.M. squads, making you honorary hero writers, but it doesn’t end there. If you’re chosen, it’ll be time to Suit Up, because Agents from S.H.I.E.L.D. will be assessing your performance to see if you’re ready for active field duty.
This is the real deal, recruit. The publishing industry needs heroes like YOU. Your talent, your story, your commitment to the cause. Keep your eyes and ears open for further details. We’ll be in contact.
Transmission terminated.