
Sunday, November 20, 2011

The Twelve Days of Christmas Blogoversary Contest!

This video brought to you by the awesomeness that is Brenda Drake and C.A. Marshall

I am so happy to announce my blogoversary contest with awesome prizes! So, my blogoversary is actually Dec. 14th, but I'll be deep into holiday family time by then so I decided to do it now. It's like an early Christmas present!

Here's what you have to do:
Sign up on the widget below and leave a comment. Then from today until Dec. 9th, write a 1000 words or less flash fiction that includes all of the gifts from the 12 Days of Christmas! It doesn't have to follow the song, just have them in there however you like. Then hop around to each other's blog and critique or comment. Along with some special judges, I will be hopping around reading and picking out our favorites and on Dec. 10th, we will post our 3 winners!

Of course you knew there was going to be prizes! 1st place will get to choose which prize they prefer. 2nd place will get to choose between the last two prizes. And 3rd place will get the last prize. I promise that all prizes are great, so don't worry!

By the they are!!

A $35 Gift Certificate from editor extraordinaire, CA Marshall! If you haven't heard of her, let me say she is the best! I've used Cass and I can't say enough great things about her! She turned my writing from 'eh to Oh wow!

Meant To Be by the amazing author Tiffany King! This is the first book out of the Saving Angels series. You can find my review of this amazing book here. I promise once you read this book, you'll want Forgotten Souls and the up coming The Ascended ASAP!

The wonderful Amber Kallyn has offered the choice of either 1 Dragos ebook (PDF) or she will send swag/RTC! I don't know how you will choose!! Amber is an amazing author that I'm sure you will enjoy getting to know through her writing!

With all of these terrific prizes, I don't know how you will choose cause I know that I couldn't!!

In Case you forgot what the gifts were from the song, here they are!

12 Drummers Drumming

11 Pipers Pipping

10 Lords A Leaping

9 Ladies Dancing

8 Maids A Milking

7 Swans A Swimming

6 Geese A Laying


4 Colly Birds

3 French Hens

2 Turtle Doves

And a Partridge in a Pear Tree!!!

Happy Thanksgiving! Merry Christmas!! And good luck!!! I look forward to seeing what you come up with!

Monday, November 14, 2011

Blog Tour de Troops: A Huge Thank You!!

This is a special post to thank each and every one of you who stopped by and commented on my post for Tour de Troops. Your comments made sure that over 20 soldiers will receive a free ebook to enjoy. Most of you donated your free copy of Sand, and that brought tears to my eyes. Your kindness has let me know that this world still has good in it and I thank you for that.

List of thank you's and why:
Lili Tufel: The awesome author of Sand. Also the one who asked me to join this amazing tour. Thank you, Lili for thinking of me! This was the best tour ever!!

Christy: Thank you for all of the RT's and for tweeting every celeb you could. I swear, you'd be a great stalker for somebody! JK LOL Everything you did truly made my day. Thank you!!

Kara: Thank you for all of the RT's also. Your constant threats sent a few scared souls this way and giggles from my heart. With you and Christy working those angles, people should be very scared of Team Krambo! LOL. Thank you!!

Rachel: Thank you for the RT's and for also tweeting and working to get comments. All of your help was much appreciated.

Tina: Thank you for the RT's and for tweeting about the tour. Also for coming back to comment when blogger gave you trouble. That truly meant a lot.

To every one who commented: Thank you!! That one small act sent one or two free books to the troops! You all are angels in my eyes! Thank you!!

Now for the Celebs!!
(Yes! We got Celeb RT's!)

Steven WeberDule HillElayne BooslerGeno CarterMaxxSureshClaude BouchardChristian BlairRenna StonebridgeLeo Thomas McGarryJosiah Bartlet, and Jerrad Vunovich. Although not all are A-list, they are in my heart. Thank you for RT-ing the tour. That small act did more than you know.

Thank you for all that you do for us. You fight for our freedom and for our rights. You're not thanked enough for what you do. I pray that you all come home safely and while you are away that you remain well. I hope that the books bring you joy when the sky is gray. God bless you all!!

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Blog Tour de Troops: Review of Lili Tufel's Sand

I feel so blessed to be one of the reviewers of Lili Tufel's amazing book Sand for the Tour de Troops. If you haven't heard of this amazing tour before, let me tell you how wonderful it is. For every comment given, an ebook will be sent to one of our brave service men and women for them to enjoy. A lucky few will even receive a Kindle. Also, if you leave your email address, you will receive a free copy of Sand for yourself!

Wait! You say you already own Sand? Then donate your free ebook to a lucky service man/woman! Just comment below and mention that you want to donate your copy of Sand and Lili will gladly send it to a lucky service person who will thank you for doing so!

Thank you for visiting my blog and please feel free to leave a comment even if you already own Sand. I'm sure our Armed Service Members will thank you for doing so as much as Lili and I do. Also, check out Lili's blog for the other reviewers. Follow Lili and I on twitter also for more awesomeness to come!

Sand by Lili Tufel: A Review

If you read any review for Sand you will see how nobody could put it down until they were done. I found this to be completely true! Lili has a way of making the characters come to life and have their own personalities. When the settings changed, it happened quite naturally. Never once was I confused & that is a very important thing for me as a reader.

Lili is very gifted. I found myself waking up and wanting to read Sand even when I was done. I was invested in the characters and their lives. Dallas and Abby are written in a way that made me believe that they were real.The ending was a surprise that I didn't see coming either. This book, to me, is a must read. 

Here is what Lili says about Sand in her own words:
Dallas is a Special Forces Lieutenant who is driven by his promise to protect the Colonel’s daughter Abby from an opium drug lord. He is torn between duty and his love for her and when he discovers that the drug lord's charming—murderous son has befriended Abby, there's no limit to how far he is willing to go to protect her.

Lili Tufel has a promising career ahead of her. Sand is a wonderful book for a debuting author. I encourage anybody who wants an action adventure novel to read to pick up Sand ASAP! Bravo Lili! I'm giving Sand a solid A+.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

NaNoWriMo: Week One

So we're one week into NaNoWriMo and I'm feeling great! I've set a word goal of 2,000 words a day for my project, leaving enough time to work on my ms/queries/synopsis and also family time! The thing I've found is that I always seem to pass my goal without any trouble at all. Right now I'm setting at just over 20,000 words out of 50K!

I've seen that some of you are doing NaNo this year, and we have become buddies (Yay!) The reason I decided to participate was not only for the amazingly fun Word Wars that I have been in with some amazing ladies, but also to see if I could write something in a month that I'd actually love. So far, I'm loving it. I have to admit that I didn't expect that.

Now I'm curious about all of you NaNoer's out there. Why are you doing it? Have fun! Happy writing!!


Stop by my blog on the 13th to read my review of the lovely book Sand by Lili Tufel for Tour de Troops! While you're here, leave a comment with you email address to receive a free ebook of Sand. Also, a service man/woman will receive a free ebook because of your comment! Already own Sand, donate your copy to a lucky service person. I'm sure they'll be glad to have it!!

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

It's NaNoWriMo Time!!

So, as I mentioned in my last post, I am participating in this year's NaNoWriMo! This is my first year of participating, and between me and you, I'm super nervous/excited about it. For those who don't know, I'm basically, (Everybody doing it is also,) trying to write a 50,000 word novel in 30 days. If I do it, I will get a certificate, a winner's badge for my blog, be put on the winner's list, and also have a full book that will take me months of revisions to get ready for submission. Sounds crazy right? I'm just crazy enough to think it's fun!

Those who know me, know that I NEVER outline before writing a story. My muse just doesn't work that way. She says that there are too many plot bunnies out to get her, so she refuses to give me her plan. (I really believe she doesn't have one and is just winging it, but I digress. LOL) 

So, I picked my NaNo project from a list I've been writing for years. The idea is one I've been kicking around for around 2yrs. I'm super excited about it too. While talking with my hubby, who I am doing NaNo with (Big round of applause for him for writing his first book! Super proud wife!) I sat down and wrote a character outline. It shocked me that I actually did it. The thing I realized was that I actually needed it! This little list of character traits will help in the long run.

Come back around in a week or two for a taste. Also, stop by before then because I just might have a few surprises on here. How many of you are doing NaNo? Do you make outlines or fly by the seat of your pants like me? What is your writing method? I'd love to hear how others work.

Happy writing everybody! And good luck to all of those doing NaNo this year!!