
Tuesday, November 1, 2011

It's NaNoWriMo Time!!

So, as I mentioned in my last post, I am participating in this year's NaNoWriMo! This is my first year of participating, and between me and you, I'm super nervous/excited about it. For those who don't know, I'm basically, (Everybody doing it is also,) trying to write a 50,000 word novel in 30 days. If I do it, I will get a certificate, a winner's badge for my blog, be put on the winner's list, and also have a full book that will take me months of revisions to get ready for submission. Sounds crazy right? I'm just crazy enough to think it's fun!

Those who know me, know that I NEVER outline before writing a story. My muse just doesn't work that way. She says that there are too many plot bunnies out to get her, so she refuses to give me her plan. (I really believe she doesn't have one and is just winging it, but I digress. LOL) 

So, I picked my NaNo project from a list I've been writing for years. The idea is one I've been kicking around for around 2yrs. I'm super excited about it too. While talking with my hubby, who I am doing NaNo with (Big round of applause for him for writing his first book! Super proud wife!) I sat down and wrote a character outline. It shocked me that I actually did it. The thing I realized was that I actually needed it! This little list of character traits will help in the long run.

Come back around in a week or two for a taste. Also, stop by before then because I just might have a few surprises on here. How many of you are doing NaNo? Do you make outlines or fly by the seat of your pants like me? What is your writing method? I'd love to hear how others work.

Happy writing everybody! And good luck to all of those doing NaNo this year!!


  1. Hi Jamie!

    I'm NaNo-ing away.... right now, I'm using a familiar avoidance tactic by doing anything else but working on NaNo. It's how I roll, lol... I'm a pantser, waiting to see which way the stories going to flow, who's going to do what, basically letting the story guide me, I don't plot, but sometimes I wake up from a dream, knowing what's going to happen next. (I'm even using NaNo as an avoidance tactic... I've been working on a YA/New Adult MS for a few months, but refused to do it for NaNo, lol...I'll finish it sometime after NaNo is over.)

    We're having fun, yes?

    Dottie :)

  2. Yay for NaNo! Glad you're going through this journey with me. Let's keep each other going. Woot Woot!

  3. Congrats on your first NaNo, Jamie! I am doing it, too. However, I am very much a plotter. I had to have my characters developed and my entire novel outlined with plot points and all that fun stuff before November 1st.
    Hope the writing is going well. I would love to add you as a buddy. What is your NaNo name?
