
Tuesday, November 8, 2011

NaNoWriMo: Week One

So we're one week into NaNoWriMo and I'm feeling great! I've set a word goal of 2,000 words a day for my project, leaving enough time to work on my ms/queries/synopsis and also family time! The thing I've found is that I always seem to pass my goal without any trouble at all. Right now I'm setting at just over 20,000 words out of 50K!

I've seen that some of you are doing NaNo this year, and we have become buddies (Yay!) The reason I decided to participate was not only for the amazingly fun Word Wars that I have been in with some amazing ladies, but also to see if I could write something in a month that I'd actually love. So far, I'm loving it. I have to admit that I didn't expect that.

Now I'm curious about all of you NaNoer's out there. Why are you doing it? Have fun! Happy writing!!


Stop by my blog on the 13th to read my review of the lovely book Sand by Lili Tufel for Tour de Troops! While you're here, leave a comment with you email address to receive a free ebook of Sand. Also, a service man/woman will receive a free ebook because of your comment! Already own Sand, donate your copy to a lucky service person. I'm sure they'll be glad to have it!!


  1. Wow! 20,000 words already. Absolutely fantastic job. Well done.

  2. Great job, Jamie! I'm doing it as motivation to get another draft done. Love how it gets you to set a schedule for writing. Now if I can use that the rest of the year. LOL <3

  3. Thank you!!

    @Brenda I know what you mean. I just sorta said that on your post too. *cue spooky music* LOL!! Keep up the great work!! :)

  4. I'm really enjoying NaNo. It has pumped up my writing game for sure. Plus, it is nice to be able to encourage my writing buddies. So, Jamie, keep on writing. I'm proud of how far you've come so far. 20K is superb.
