
Monday, November 14, 2011

Blog Tour de Troops: A Huge Thank You!!

This is a special post to thank each and every one of you who stopped by and commented on my post for Tour de Troops. Your comments made sure that over 20 soldiers will receive a free ebook to enjoy. Most of you donated your free copy of Sand, and that brought tears to my eyes. Your kindness has let me know that this world still has good in it and I thank you for that.

List of thank you's and why:
Lili Tufel: The awesome author of Sand. Also the one who asked me to join this amazing tour. Thank you, Lili for thinking of me! This was the best tour ever!!

Christy: Thank you for all of the RT's and for tweeting every celeb you could. I swear, you'd be a great stalker for somebody! JK LOL Everything you did truly made my day. Thank you!!

Kara: Thank you for all of the RT's also. Your constant threats sent a few scared souls this way and giggles from my heart. With you and Christy working those angles, people should be very scared of Team Krambo! LOL. Thank you!!

Rachel: Thank you for the RT's and for also tweeting and working to get comments. All of your help was much appreciated.

Tina: Thank you for the RT's and for tweeting about the tour. Also for coming back to comment when blogger gave you trouble. That truly meant a lot.

To every one who commented: Thank you!! That one small act sent one or two free books to the troops! You all are angels in my eyes! Thank you!!

Now for the Celebs!!
(Yes! We got Celeb RT's!)

Steven WeberDule HillElayne BooslerGeno CarterMaxxSureshClaude BouchardChristian BlairRenna StonebridgeLeo Thomas McGarryJosiah Bartlet, and Jerrad Vunovich. Although not all are A-list, they are in my heart. Thank you for RT-ing the tour. That small act did more than you know.

Thank you for all that you do for us. You fight for our freedom and for our rights. You're not thanked enough for what you do. I pray that you all come home safely and while you are away that you remain well. I hope that the books bring you joy when the sky is gray. God bless you all!!

1 comment:

  1. Thank you, Jamie, for allowing me to help. It was my pleasure and the least I could do for those who serve each of us everyday. My love and respect goes out to each and every one who contributed in any way.
