
All of the info you need for Pitch Slam from it's creator, L.L. McKinney! Plus helpful info from Kimberly VanderHorst, Laura Hefferman, and myself!

Basic Info:

Pitch Slam official website! (Find ALL of the latest rules, teams, agents, and updates here!)

About Pitch Slam.

Pitch Slam FAQ.

Pitch Slam Writers Facebook Group. (Join here to meet fellow author & learn new PS updates + more!)

#PitchSlam twitter tag. (Have questions? Feel free to ask here, our blogs, or the FB group. + Learn all of the PS news!)

2016 Pitch Slam - Star Wars: The Write Side:

Info to come. For now, click the official Pitch Slam link to meet the teams & Agents!

2015 Pitch Slam - Hogwarts House Cup Info:

Pitch Slam - Hogwarts Cup announcement post.

Simple rundown of this year's Pitch Slam.

Hogwarts Cup Teams Bio's. (Go to the bottom of post to find the links to the other teams.)

Calendar with all the dates you need to know!

Pitch Slam - The Basics.

Pitch Slam Professors! (Agent list.)

Pitch Slam Professors twitter list for easy subscribing/following.

Interview with three Heads of House on Whiskey, Wine & Writing.

Check this page for any updates.

Helpful Tips:

How to write a killer pitch. (Tips from Kimberly VanderHorst.)

Pitch Writing: Stakes vs. Intrigue. (Tips from Kimberly VanderHorst.)

Creating an elevator pitch. (Tips from Laura Heffernan.)

Pitch insights. (Tips from Laura Heffernan.)

Advice about contests. (Advice from me.)

Organic Descriptions. (Tips from Kimberly VanderHorst.)

Showing vs. Telling. (Tips from Kimberly VanderHorst.)

Five keys to a quality first page. (Tips from Kimberly VanderHorst.)

Author Interference. (Tips from Kimberly VanderHorst.)

Emotional Authenticity. (Tips from Kimberly VanderHorst.)

Deep POV. (Tips from Kimberly VanderHorst.)

What not to do during a writing contest. (Tips from Laura Heffernan.)

First 250 insights. (Tips from Laura Heffernan.)

Feedback: The good, the bad, and the "Oh come on now!" (Advice from me.)

More tips and advice to come. Keep an eye out!

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