Background came from this design.
Well, everything's been building up to this. Today's the big day and I can't wait to spill all of the details that I've been sitting on during this long week filled with cat-like ninja moves from our two awesome agents! I'd like to send a huge thank you out to Brittany Booker and Jordy Albert for being such amazing people. Watching them make their moves was a pure joy to me and I really do hope they had fun. And I hope you all had fun too! So, on with the post!
WARNING: Olan Rogers gif's will be sprinkled in because he's Olan Rogers and his gif's say exactly what I think this post needs! (And no. Olan Rogers knows nothing of this post, but I'd be all fangirl if he found out and was all cool about it. I'm just using his gif's for the reasons above and because he's awesome!)
So, do you know what today is?
Yes, Olan. Today is a Monday. But it is also the day I get to reveal who Brittany and Jordy requested submissions from and what those requests are along with the winner of editor Cassandra Marshall's $35 Gift Certificate!
Oh, yay! Me too! So below you will find the lists of pitches that Brittany and Jordy have requested along with what those requests were and how to send in your submissions. And don't forget, the winner of Cassandra Marshall's $35 Gift Certificate is also being announced below. So keep reading to the end!
Brittany Booker's Requests:
If your MS appears on any of the lists below for Brittany, please email your requested submission to bookers32 (at) gmail (dot) com with the subject line Attention: Brittany Booker Spooktacular Pitch Request.
Query + Synopsis + 10 pages:
#19 Never the Hero
#25 Dead New World
#45 Fire and Earth
#47 Ink
#51 Jennifer Strange
Query + 50 pages:
#15 Going Home Again
#17 Blame It On Meryl Streep
#20 Hope In Bloom
#24 Ex-Drama Queen
#37 Kissing Frogs
#38 Kissing a Superhero
#41 Try Me On For Size
Full Request: These two were the ties I hinted at on the #SpookPitch tag. In the end, Brittany won them by making the highest toss and redecorating them with full requests TP and eggs!
#28 Forget-Me-Not
#31 Ignite
Jordy Alberts Requests:
If your MS appears on any of the lists below for Jordy, please email your requested submission to jordy (at) corvisieroagency (dot) com with the subject line Attention: Jordy Albert Spooktacular Pitch Request.
Query + Synopsis + 10 pages:
#1 Mirror Mirror
#7 Alex Daily: Sometimes Superhero
#10 Ace of Shades
#12 Streetlight
#14 151
#27 Astral
$35 Gift Certificate to Editor Cassandra Marshall:
I have let Cassandra know you've won so all you have to do to cash it in is mention this contest to her and all will be good. And the winner is.....
Veronica Bartles
Right now I know a few of you are like this:
While those who didn't receive request are like this:
I am so proud of everyone who entered and congratulate those who landed a pitch redecoration. Remember that this business is subjective and while a no today may turn into a yes tomorrow. I encourage you to query both of these agents because they are really wonderful at what they do. If you were in the tie breaker round or not, this is something I truly believe you should add to your list of to-do's.
Thank you to everyone who tweeted, blogged, facebooked this contest! Thank you to all of you who entered and for those who hung out on #SpookPitch and didn't slap me for my teases and being absent during normal people hours. A huge thank you goes to Brittany Booker and Jordy Albert for agreeing to do #SpookPitch and sticking with me through the hiccups. A big thank you to Brittany Howard for passing my invite along to these two lovely ladies and talking me into doing #SpookPitch when I almost folded. I also need to thank Kimberly Chase for that as well. I swear, we think too much alike at times, but that is totally awesome as well! A great big thank you goes out to Cassandra Marshall for donating to #SpookPitch before I even knew what #SpookPitch was. Thank you to John Lucas Hargis for letting me bounce ideas off him from the beginning of this wacky contest. And thank you to Brenda Drake, Master Yoda herself, for cheering me on and teaching me how a contest should be.
All of you are rockstars in my book and I'm very proud to know you all! Wait... do I know all of you? We're going to say I do!
Keep an eye out for more contest coming your way because you never know what I might be cooking up next!
Until next time, happy reading/writing everyone! (Ignore the face at the end. It's the only wave I could find. We'll pretend it stays a smile.)