
Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Team Magenta - Chasing Eveline

Genre: YA Contemporary

Title: Chasing Eveline

Word Count: 61,000

Song: “Both Sides Now”, Joni Mitchell

Pitch: Sixteen-year-old Ivy’s mom is long gone, but the unanswered questions linger. To get answers, though, Ivy must reunite their favorite 80s band Chasing Eveline. A concert is the only sure place to find her mom.


They say music is the key to the soul. Or maybe it’s the heart. I can’t remember exactly what my mom said that day she danced into my room with a new record for me to hear; I was only in fourth grade. I became a believer, though. And tonight my friend Matt and I hold a giant master key to all the teenage hearts and souls in this musty gym.

Or at least to some, I hope. Finding my mom depends on it.

I nudge Matt, whose face is glued to the computer screen at our DJ table. A vibrating speaker to our left thumps out music, so I yell into his ear, “Is it ready?”

He tilts his head toward me. “Geez, Ivy. I just loaded the disc.”

“Okay…sorry.” I step back. He sweeps his blond hair out of his eyes and returns to the computer.

I pace behind him, a nervous left followed by an excited right and back again. The musical brilliance of the greatest guitarist of all time will soon weave through these bodies and drift into every ear. My heart floats up with the blue and yellow balloons hovering overhead like a latex fog.

Matt still fidgets with the computer. Ugh.

My hand strums on my thigh. Near the entrance, Principal Henry stands with Narc 1 and Narc 2, and a wave of yawns travels across them. The newbie freshmen line the walls and cluster in groups. The mood is more like a casting call for an acne medication ad.

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