
Friday, April 4, 2014

Pitch Slam! Introducing Team Sweeter!

It's time to meet another of the awesome pairs here at R&R Management who'll be diving into the slush to find more rocking writers. They draw their inspiration from the smooth, some say soulful sound of Pop Rocker Gavin Degraw. Introducing Team Sweeter!

Manager Michelle Hauck has handled her share of talent in label performances such as Query Kombat, Nightmare on Query Street, and Sun versus Snow. She writes all types of speculative fiction from epic fantasy to dystopian, and knows her middle grade from her YA. You can find her latest spin, Kindar’s Cure, on all the big labels like Amazon and Barnes and Noble. She has fun on twitter under the handle @Michelle4Laughs and talks about industry stuff on her blog Michelle4Laughs.

Michelle's scout Carla Rehse has used her talent scout skills in places like AQC Speculative Fiction marathons. Though she tends to write NA spec fic, any story with interesting characters and amazing world building will be added to her playlist. Carla can be found on twitter @CRehse.

#TeamSweeter is sure to bring the heat during the blazing battle round, so keep an eye on their tastes and the #PitchSlam twitter tag. Stay tuned rockers, cause we have another awesome team lined up to take the limelight on Monday.

See! I told you there would be more great teams! And next week you'll meet more teams! Don't be afraid to tweet us if you have questions about our likes. We promise we won't bite you. 

Catch us on the #PitchSlam tag for new updates. We're always happy to hear from you!

Until next time, happy reading and writing everyone!

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