
Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Advice, Advice, and MORE Advice

This post is thanks to all of the questions that I have been asking recently since my novel's second revision is coming closer to its end and all of the answers those questions have received.  I have found that for every question I have asked there have been at least two different answers given. Here are just a few examples I and a few others have been given to their questions:

1. Should I mention that my novel is a planned series?

A #1: Yes!
A #2: Never!

2. Should authors blog about their novels?

A #1: Authors should write about their work and progress so that potential agents will see that they a) have hype b) their progress. (Taken from a website.)

A #2: No!

3. How many words should a novel of my genre contain. (ex: YA)

A #1: 50,000 to 75,000  Over that you probably won't be accepted for a first time novel.

A #2: 50,000 isn't enough.  80,000 seems more like it.

Confusing?  YES!

Most of the questions above's answers have come from websites that anyone can look up.  What I've found is that depending on the agent and genre of the novel and if the genre is popular at the time of submission that these answers can change.  One agent wants it one way while another wants it another.

I don't blame them though!  I know that I like to sit down to a really long novel and sink my teeth into it so why wouldn't the author want to write one like that?  We do!

What I'm getting at here is that sometimes you have to follow your gut.  Ask questions and research the heck out of EVERYTHING! Once you have all of the answers available then weigh the responses out.  Try to figure out what they are saying.  Most likely over 50% will agree with one another.  Then do your best to abide by the guidelines given to make your novel/short story/fan fiction the best that it can be!

Friday, January 14, 2011

Find Your Inspiration

Over the last couple of years I have found that wanting to be a published writer has become more of a need.  Since the first story I ever wrote I find that there are twice the stories that I never finished.  So finally the other day while my husband was asleep I decided to read over the ones that lay unfinished to see what was I thinking and why I never finished them.  What I found out was that I became uninspired.

Inspiration is a very important part of writing.  At least it is to me.  If I can't get wrapped into the story I am writing then I just lose focus and interest in what the story is about.  Therefore it will forever be unfinished.  I just can't seem to push myself into completing it.  To tell the truth I can't even see a reader finishing it and I really wouldn't blame them.

If the author isn't inspired by what they are writing then the reader won't be inspired to read it.  That to me is the greatest gift an author can give a reader.  Inspiration.  If the world we are building inspires us to create amazing characters that do unworldly things then our readers will be inspired to believe in that world and actually imagine and believe those characters could do those things there.  Without inspiration then the world would just be dull and grey which isn't any fun to read or even imagine.

So if you are a writer who has found it hard to write the next great vampire book or YA novel take a look at your work and ask yourself if you are really inspired by that subject.  If the answer is no then find what you ARE inspired by.  Once you do then the creative juices should start flowing!  Now go out there & get inspired!